On an adventure
since 1999
Our roof tents & other equipment at a glance

Your equipment, your adventure

Roof tents

Hard shell and folding roof tents from Gordigear, flexible, robust and spacious - ideal for your adventure trips. Discover high-quality tents that perfectly combine comfort and adventure.

Car awnings

Car awnings, your mobile protection for all weather conditions on the go. Robust, flexible and easy to set up - perfect for your camping holiday.

Trailer tents

Trailer tents, spacious, stable and quick to set up - ideal for longer trips. Turn your trailer into a comfortable place to sleep.

front and shower tents

Gordigear's awning and shower tents are practical, private and weatherproof - the ideal addition to your camping setup. Enjoy more comfort and flexibility on every trip.

Over 25 years

For all climate zones

dealer network

  • Die Evolution des Campings

    Dachzelte revolutionieren die Art des Campings. Sie verbinden Mobilität mit Komfort auf einzigartige Weise. Gordigear bietet moderne Dachzelte für alle, die Abenteuer und Entspannung gleichermaßen suchen. Die Schlafposition auf dem Dach schützt vor Bodenfeuchtigkeit und unerwünschten Besuchern. Hochwertige Materialien und durchdachte Konstruktionen gewährleisten bestmöglichen Komfort.

  • Schnelle und einfacheMontage

    Die Installation eines modernen Dachzeltes erfolgt unkompliziert auf dem Dachträgersystem. Dank ausgeklügelter Mechanismen lässt sich das Zelt innerhalb weniger Minuten auf- und abbauen. Die robuste Konstruktion sorgt für einen sicheren Stand. Integrierte Leitern ermöglichen den bequemen Ein- und Ausstieg. Innovative Verschlusssysteme garantieren zuverlässigen Halt während der Fahrt.

  • Optimaler Wetterschutz

    Die verwendeten Materialien trotzen selbst extremen Wetterbedingungen. Wasserdichte Stoffe und robuste Reißverschlüsse schützen zuverlässig vor Regen und Wind. Die erhöhte Position minimiert zudem die Auswirkungen von aufsteigender Bodenkälte. Gut durchdachte Belüftungssysteme sorgen für ein angenehmes Klima im Inneren und verhindern effektiv die Bildung von Kondenswasser.

  • Erweiterbare Wohnlichkeit

    Zusätzlichen Komfort und Platz bieten praktische Vorzelte. Diese schaffen wertvollen Stauraum und einen geschützten Aufenthaltsbereich. Die Kombination mit hochwertigen Automarkisen erweitert den nutzbaren Raum und bietet Schutz vor Sonne oder Regen. Verschiedene Anbaumodule ermöglichen eine individuelle Anpassung an persönliche Bedürfnisse.

  • Innovative Ausstattung

    Hochwertige Matratzen garantieren erholsamen Schlaf in jeder Situation. Integrierte Moskitonetze schützen vor lästigen Insekten, während robuste Fenster Tageslicht und frische Luft ins Innere lassen. Durchdachte Stauraumlösungen bieten Platz für persönliche Gegenstände. Die verstärkte Bodenkonstruktion gewährleistet dabei stets optimale Stabilität und langanhaltende Haltbarkeit.

  • Ganzjähriger Einsatz

    Die robusten Materialien unserer Dachzelte ermöglichen Camping zu jeder Jahreszeit. Spezielle Isolierungen schützen vor sommerlicher Hitze und winterlicher Kälte. Die wetterbeständige Außenhülle widersteht Regen, Schnee und starkem Wind. Regelmäßige Pflege mit speziellen Pflegemitteln erhält die Funktionalität und verlängert die Lebensdauer des Dachzeltes erheblich.

  • + 50,000

    Satisfied customers worldwide

  • + 100,000

    Products sold

  • 25

    Years of experience

  • + 100

    Countries on the way

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"What can I say about the Gordigear roof tent... it's over eight years old and I bought it second hand in Sydney; the only words that come to mind are exceptional, well made and perfect. We used it for three weeks in the Simpson Desert, three weeks in South Australia and on the Googs Track, as well as numerous other weekend trips off road - some of them very strenuous - and it worked flawlessly."

Gerald M.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"I love the tent. I watched a lot of videos and did a lot of research before choosing your product."

Kenny G.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"I've just returned from a four week/12500km trip through Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, and I'm happy to report that my tent held up pretty well. The trip included about 3500km of dirt roads."

Alexander Z.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"We have enjoyed seeing most parts of Australia, first in a Gordigear roof tent and then in a Gordigear Savannah trailer tent. I am very grateful for your excellent service and the overall quality of Gordigear products. I have seen dozens of different roof tents and trailer tents and I think Gordigear's are simply the best."

Beat O.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"It was a great week with the Savannah in August 2019 and we had everything from storms, thunderstorms, rain and sun. The tent was always bulletproof and everything inside was super dry. We felt very safe and comfortable in the Savannah. We are very satisfied with the service and products from Gordigear."

Michel V B.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"Greetings from Iceland. The tent was fantastic."

Kristinn Þeyr M.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"Our Gordigear tent was AMAZING! We travelled through South Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland for 10 weeks before heading back to Tassie. We had cold, hot, windy, rainy, humid, dry... you name it, we had it! And our Gordigear material was unbeatable! On the Oodnadatta Track we had winds of nearly 100km/h for a few days, dust storms like I've never experienced and our little tent didn't even have a tear in it! We've seen many other roof top tents with damage but not us! Thank you for making such good gear, it made our trip fabulous.

Julie T.
  • +7
Real opinions

Experiences that convince

+ 50,000

Satisfied customers

+ 100,000

Products sold

Real opinions

Experiences that convince

"I love the entire setup and the tent is fantastic to sleep in with a very comfortable mattress."

John-Patrick Q.
United Kingdom
  • +7


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