
Mit dem Jeep und Dachzelt durch Korsika

With the Jeep and roof tent through Corsica

The French Mediterranean island offers an astonishing variety of landscapes in a relatively small area. From rugged mountain ranges inland to beautiful sandy beaches on the coast, every traveler will...

Durch die Pyrenäen vom Atlantik zum Mittelmeer in 5 Etappen

Through the Pyrenees from the Atlantic to the M...

An extraordinary adventure awaits you on the journey through the majestic Pyrenees - from the wild Atlantic to the sun-drenched Mediterranean. The mountainous border region between France and Spain offers...

Doppeldachzelt-Setup in den Westalpen

double roof tent setup in the Western Alps

The breathtaking scenery of the Western Alps, with its majestic peaks and remote passes, offers the ideal terrain for off-road enthusiasts and adventurers. With the right vehicle and well-thought-out camping...

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