
Lost Place Kroatien: Flugzeugkaverne Željava mit Dachzelt entdecken

Lost Place Croatia: Discover the Željava aircra...

"Thank you Sebastian for sending these great photos." *Images and/or text were provided by Sebastian Becker.* The Željava aircraft cavern, also known by the code name "Object 505", was once...

Dachzelt-Roadtrip durch Deutschland, Slowenien und Italien

Roof tent road trip through Germany, Slovenia a...

A road trip through Germany, Slovenia and Italy with a compact SUV and a high-quality roof tent promises unforgettable adventures and unlimited freedom. The combination of the off-road Jeep Compass...

Doppeldachzelt-Setup in den Westalpen

double roof tent setup in the Western Alps

The breathtaking scenery of the Western Alps, with its majestic peaks and remote passes, offers the ideal terrain for off-road enthusiasts and adventurers. With the right vehicle and well-thought-out camping...

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